Reason 11

The Bible God sees women as possessions

The bible clearly shows women as inferior to men in the bible and all throughout it we see women being treated like possessions. We even have Lot offering up his virgin daughters to a mob to protect a couple of angels! (Genesis 19)

I’m not going to go into detail on this as the arguments are out there all over the Internet and Christians have been trying to justify this shit for years.  Many churches are even trying to correct it by giving women more authority. They know it’s wrong to treat women the way they were treated in the bible and deep down they know St Paul was a sexist prick.

I do however have one link, which is to my section of the website, where I have my fictional pastor/bishop, Jake O’Brian preaching how women are inferior to men. It’s tongue-n-cheeky but I feel it really does expose the sexism of the bible: 


Women, lower than men.


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