God answers mundane prayers but not where it matters most
It seems that God will jump through hoops helping Christians with their mundane problems like helping them win at sports, overcoming personal problems, giving them fine weather for church picnics… but when it comes to the really serious issues like feeding starving children, saving people from suffering, etc etc, God doesn’t get involved himself.
Why is it than the most important issues are ignored by God?
I have created a list, which I have had others online critique. This list shows typical prayer requests and puts them in order of what is most likely to be dealt with by God. The ones nearer the bottom are ones God seems to ignore.
Provide safe travel
Bless food
Help win at sports
Help do well at school eg, exams, studies
Help make an impression
Help something mechanical or electrical that isn’t working properly to function normally
Provide a spouse or a friend
Provide employment
Provide good crowds at church events
Help overcome fear/bad habits/trivial sins/minor trials
Get a touch from God
Provide the right words to speak
Help understand scripture
Help to maintain a good standard eg, as a parent, spouse, Christian, employee, etc
Praying for something bad to happen to someone or some people group (from lack of peace/joy to some kind of terrible punishment)
A prayer that involves God having to violate someone's freewill eg, to gain a favour from someone or to stop some kind of harmful behaviour
Provide safety in general
Provide finances
Provide fine weather
Provide rain in a country that gets a lot of rain
Provide additional strength/faith
Heal someone of some minor affliction
Help overcome real bad habits/major sins/real tough trials
Save someone’s soul
Bring joy and peace
Provide rain in a country that gets very little rain.
Heal someone with a major affliction
Heal of Cancer
Save starving child
Save someone from sexual slavery
Save children suffering abuse
Save someone who is being tortured
Heal of a fatal disease (not including Cancer)
Resurrect someone
Heal an amputee
Bring world peace
It really does show that God has some severely screwed up priorities!
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