100 reasons I no longer believe - 62

God changed between the Old and New Testaments thus contradicting the notion he never changes


Malachi 3:6

For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.


Hebrews 13:8

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever


John 10:30

I and the father are one


Christians try to claim that God’s nature truly never changes, but it’s quite clear that it has between the Old and New Testament.


Here are some major changes: (will add more later)


·       In the OT, God was quite happy to prove his existence to people by appearing to them and talking to them audibly. Also by performing incredible miracles, eg the burning bush, parting of the Red Sea. In the NT he didn’t do this and started using humans to perform the so-called miracles and get messages to people.
·       In the OT, God thought nothing of wiping out entire cities that pissed him off, but in the NT he became a much kinder, gentler god.
·       God was very much a god who required works in the OT (eg helping the needy), but in the NT faith became more important. 


If seems to me that the God of the OT may have begun to realise he was looking like a monster so decided some PR work was needed. So he opted to turn over a new leaf and become a kinder God. The problem is he still intends to roast the majority of his creations in Hell. So maybe he’s still just as nasty as he ever was?


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