100+ reasons I no longer believe - 57

God choosing to remain undetectable looks way too much like a non-existent God


A lot of sceptics ask the question - Why, if God is real, does he not come down to Earth and make it obvious? Why doesn't he prove himself?

I am going to approach this one with the view that God is real and DOES exist. For some reason he has decided to remain undetectable to the majority of mankind, particularly those he supposedly created with a sceptical mind.

My theory is that God knows that the only way to maintain his following is to demand faith. You see something that doesn't make sense in the bible? You have faith. You don't question. You understand that God's ways are higher  than yours. God is always merciful, loving and just and everything must equal that.  He is all powerful and all knowing. Anything that contradicts all these qualities must be wrong or misinterpreted in some way. Theists will claim, "you lack understanding".

It's seems to me that this is the way God maintains his following. He knows that to expose himself to mankind would leave him open to a lot of scrutiny. He would have to answer a lot of tough questions. He would be expected to justify his many apparent atrocities and to prove that he is who he claims to be and that he really is loving, just, merciful, all-powerful and all-knowing. I suggest that mankind would quickly find out that this is not the case.

I suspect that God fears this type of exposure, which is why he chooses to remain undetectable. I see it as a little like Michael Jackson paying off the kid he was alleged to have abused.  Jackson could continue to maintain his innocence and continue to hang out with young boys, while not being put under scrutiny by the courts. Is God not really doing the same thing? Stay undetectable, stay out of the limelight, continue to do whatever you want without the need to prove anything. Seems like damning evidence to me. Sounds like God isn't all he is cracked up to be.


An argument I have heard several times directed at atheists is "What can God possibly do to convince you?"  It is asked with the ludicrous mindset that no matter what God does, you will never believe it, because you are just too pigheaded and rebellious. You just don't want to believe! That's what the theist likes to believe anyway. It makes them feel better about their own blatant  lack of faith.

If God really was all he was cracked up to be he would know exactly what it would take to convince even the hardest sceptic. The above theist argument insinuates that God is incapable of doing that.  If God really was as loving as he claims to be, he would take the necessary steps. He would understand that everyone is different and that proof for one does not constitute proof for another.  One who claims to love would do everything in their power to gain the trust of the one they love.

According to the bible, one day Jesus will return again and on that day, every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess (Philippians 2:9-11). This indicates that God is quite capable of proving his existence and his divinity and will do so on a day of his choosing (which by then will be too late for the majority of us). Will there be sceptics still insisting that God is not real? Will there still be rebellious people refusing to acknowledge God? Not according to that scripture. So it's quite obvious that God could prove himself to everyone if he wanted to. But he doesn't. Why?


Now I return to my current mindset. I’m not going to presume a God exists now. Perhaps the real reason why God appears to be undetectable is because he doesn’t exist? Perhaps that is the more rational way of looking at this?


I have a tongue in cheek sermon from my fictional pastor/bishop, Jake O’Brian talking about even a non-existant God can be shown to be real!

Even a non-existant God can be show to be real



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