100 reasons I no longer believe - 60

God has failed at many things he set out to do

Christians like to believe that God is all powerful and that his will be done. Nothing is impossible for him and all his works are perfect and all his ways are just.

But if we look at the bible why is it when it came to some of the most important events, he failed at achieving a positive outcome?


1)     Creating Angels to do his bidding.
Thousands, probably millions of angels rebelled against him, led by Satan.

2)     Creating two humans to serve and worship him.
Next thing Adam and Eve disobey him, and he is forced to throw them out of the Garden of Eden and curse all of mankind.

3)     Destroying evil with a great flood.
The whole world was destroyed apart from one righteous family, but yet a few hundred years later the world was teaming once again with evil people.

4)     Sent Jesus to deal with the sin problem. Sin and evil are still rampant.


Also check out my comments here about how we should be able give God a pass/fail mark:


God Never Fails?


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