100 reasons I no longer believe - 59

Christianity destroyed many religions to gain influence

It’s become clear to me in recent years due to travelling overseas that Christianity has been responsible for the destruction of many religions and not because their God is real and those ones aren’t. It was through missionary work, attempting to destroy the beliefs of other cultures and even going so far as to destroying their places or objects of worship.

The Viking’s religion was eroded away using a strategy that involved twisting their arms to convert to Christianity in return for alliances and giving land for them to farm. Even though many conversions were insincere it eroded that religion away.

Let’s not even get into how Christianity put witches to death and forced people to convert to Christianity like during the Spanish Inquisition.

In 2015, I visited Rarotonga, which is now predominately Christian and every kilometre or so there’s a church of some denomination. There I heard all about how Christian missionaries came to Rarotonga years before and destroyed anything relating to the old Rarotongan gods, then usurped them with the Christian god.

How typical is that? How blatantly disrespectful? 

A classic example of attempts to destroy other religions is in the bible itself, when it comes to Baal. The bible perspective is that if a god doesn’t act to show his power it can then be deemed to be a false god. Talk about double standards! Surely if the bible God won’t do anything when tested, he should also be deemed to be a false god.

Click here for more on the Baal thing:

What’s good enough for Baal...



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