100 reasons I no longer believe - numbers 70 - 79

Reason 70

The Holy Spirit does not do the things it’s promoted in the bible as doing

The Holy Spirit must be one of the most ineffective god beings that ever existed, if indeed it was real. It is so ineffective one surely must come to the conclusion that it's just YOU. Not only can’t it bring unity to churches, it can’t get any of them agreeing on scripture either.

I wrote this article which goes into the false claims the bible makes about the holy spirit: 

Ineffective Holy Spirit



Reason 71

Christianity is just another religion and not a relationship with God

Christianity is nothing more special than any other religion, no matter what Christians say. It is full of religious rituals. For more I have written this:

Christianity is NOT a relationship with God

How religious is church?



Reason 72

The bible is full of atrocities committed by God

I’m not going to list them because people everywhere know about these atrocities. All you have to do is read the Old Testament. Of course Christians will have excuses for them, but these atrocities have been and will probably continue to be debated for years to come. 



Reason 73

The bible contains contradictions

This is massive topic, one I’m not going to get into because Christians will claim there are no contradictions then do a lot of shucking and jiving to try to justify them. But non-Christians can see quite clearly they are there and it’s not because they don’t have the Holy Spirit guiding them. I will go one step further though and say that the contradictions aren’t just when it comes to actual scriptures. They are also there when it comes to entire beliefs and doctrines based on scripture. 

Reason 74

The bible contains inaccurate science

This is another huge topic which atheists bring up all the time and there are huge debates about it. I don’t feel the need to bring up this stuff here. Maybe I will later on when I have time to write about it



Reason 75

The bible needs a branch of defence known as "apologetics" to justify it

Any book that requires a mass of shucking and jiving to make it line up with reality and to make it look morally sound, surely can’t be the word of God. A god would know how to get his written message across clearly and succinctly without the need to for apologetics.  The fact Christians need apologetics to justify the bible should be a dead give away it’s a load of crap.



Reason 76

God does not heal amputees

 Nope. God does not heal amputees for some reason. You’d think that a god who created a woman out of the rib of a man and who created a creature called the Salamander who can regenerate its limbs, would have no problem growing back limbs on a human. Apparently he can extend a limb a little to help with back pains but can’t create a new one.

I have a Christian friend who for years suffered horrible pain from a damaged arm which God never healed. It became so bad that he had it amputated. Guess what? God hasn’t grown his arm back.  

Why is it that God can only heal people of afflictions that can be healed by natural means? Surely this is a HUGE reason to believe that God doesn’t really exist?

Reason 77

Jesus believed Old Testament bible stories to be true!

Jesus taught from the Old Testament a lot and even brought up certain parts of it as if it were actual things that really happened. The fact that he took many of those stories seriously should be enough proof to show that he was not the son of God and is as ignorant and superstitious as the next man.


Reason 78

There is more evidence against God’s existence than there is for his existence

My list of reasons why I no longer believe is evidence stacked against God and I could probably create another list with further evidence. The list of evidence FOR his existence would be feeble. You may disagree with me, but that's the way I see it and I don’t have time to do a long winded comparison.



Reason 79

The God of the gaps is shrinking

The bible is full of superstitious nonsense and as time has progressed science has shown that many things that were deemed supernatural in bible times have natural causes (eg natural disasters, epilepsy, etc). What was often accused of devilry was simply tricks or things that people didn’t understand. As the bible has been proven wrong, Christians twist the words of the bible and often claim that what was originally taken as literal was meant to be metaphorical or symbolic. Yeaahhhh, right! The fact is, the more we learn about the universe, the less we need to say “Goddidit!”



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