100 reasons I no longer believe - numbers 80 - 90

Reason 80

The disciples faith was very weak

Let’s face it, the disciples were one hell of a wishy-washy bunch in the bible stories and no way acted like people who were rubbing shoulders with the miracle working son of God. It casts a big shadow on the validity of Jesus’s divinity.


You can check out my article on this one: 

Faith of the Disciples 



Reason 81

I sought but did not find


Matt 7:7

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you


This is a clear bible lie as I searched for almost 40 years of my life. I believed I had found actually. But then ultimately came to the conclusion that I hadn’t actually found at all. Five more years of crying out to God, banging on his door, seeking him desperately, got me nowhere. 




Reason 82

I see people glorifying the horrible torturous death of an innocent being on a cross

Christians celebrate the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. But this is a human sacrifice! And not only that, they are rejoicing because they are getting away with their atrocities Scot free! Jesus being brutally slaughtered to appease a wrathful deity is NOT good news. I for one do not want to see despicable people getting a free pass into Heaven. Imagine if Hitler or Sadam Hussein repented before they died. They too could be in Heaven right now! People should be prepared to take responsibility for their own actions.




Reason 83

Lack of growth in churches

Churches are really struggling these days and it seems more churches are dying than starting up. But it should be the opposite if the Holy Spirit is real.

Of course Christians will claim it’s a fulfilment of scripture, but then the same thing would happen if Christianity really was a load of BS. It would be expected that as the world becomes more educated, religious fantasies will be exposed for what they are. So maybe this prophecy is simply just a smart prediction from someone who knew full well that people get wise to BS after a while. 

Also bear in mind that St Paul believed there would be revival in the end times. So much for that!



Reason 84

Realising that a lot of my beliefs were false

I’m not going to go into details on this right now and my list of reasons I believe should tell you a lot. I took the bible at face value and have now found that so much of it doesn’t line up with reality or doesn’t work as described. Took me many years to discover this. I have gone from committed Christian to Atheist over a period of 5 to 6 years. So that should give you some idea. 



Reason 85

The bible seems way too much like the word of ignorant man than the word of God

Christians claim the bible could never have been produced by humans. That there is way too much in it that shows the supernatural hand of God. However if you really study it in depth and not just the bits your church leaders tell you to study, you’ll see that’s it’s far from divine.


I explain my reasoning in: 

The Bible – Man’s Word



Reason 86

Realising that things I thought were from God were not from God at all

There were many things in my life I thought were God’s blessings. However later on I realised that the things I thought I got from God were things that had natural explanations. Most of the blessings were actually as a result of my own efforts. Other blessings came from OTHER PEOPLE. Many were a result of good luck or being in the right place at the right time.



Reason 87

God stands by while children suffer horrible neglect and abuse

Children are out there suffering, whether they’re starving to death in Africa or being horribly abused, forced into sexual slavery and all manner of horrors. I used to make all sorts of excuses for God when I was a Christian but now I see that if there really was a god who was loving and caring he would not be able to stand by and watch this sort of stuff going down. We as humans would do something if we could. That makes us more loving and caring than any God.


I elaborate more on God’s priorities and so-called love here:

God’s Priorities



Reason 88

Faith is not a good reason to believe something

Faith is promoted in the bible as a virtue and it even says that without faith it’s impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:16), but seriously what sort of god would think faith would be something we should have? After all faith is not a guaranteed pathway to truth. It can lead you to all sorts of crazy beliefs. It leads you into cults and even flies you into buildings.

I go more into how useless faith is here: 

Without faith it’s impossible…



Reason 89

Churches are multi-level marketing for God

It's eye opening to be part of a multi-level marketing business and seeing a secular version of church.


Click to my article on this:

Churches are multi-level marketing for God



Reason 90

You cannot choose to believe

Many Christians insist is a simple matter of choosing to believe in Jesus and that he died for our sins. Nope. I can’t make myself believe something I no longer believe. I can only choose to take actions based on what I already believe.

See this article:

Belief is NOT a choice



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