I just wanna be a sheep

baa, baa, baa, baa


Back in my early days when I was a lowly Sunday school teacher, training for the amazing ministry that God would put me into later, there was a favourite song of the kids called “I just wanna be a sheep”. 


I just wanna be a sheep, baa, baa, baa, baa.


How it warmed my heart to see children wanting to be like sheep. Yes, mindless, gullible sheep who follow unquestioningly, sometimes to mass slaughter. It meant that these children would please God and be blessed by him. After all, that’s what Jesus wants. He wants us to switch off our brains and follow him like a small child would. (Matthew 18:1-5) He is the good shepherd!


We should all be like sheep, brothers and sisters. They may be stupid, they may be mindless and they may follow other sheep into danger and even more stupidity, but that is how God wants us to be. He wants us to follow him with faith. To believe the bible by faith. Not to question. Just follow.


My father always used to say, “The bible may be full of ridiculous absurdities, seeming contradictions and abhorrent morals, but we MUST accept it, otherwise we’re doomed”.


That’s what being a sheep is all about. Following blindly and uncritically. We don’t have to think. HALLELUJAH! Just leave the thinking up to your church leaders and if they say it, simply accept it. If someone tells you a miracle occurred, believe it! And just accept what it says in the bible too. There’s no need to question it. FAITH! That’s what it’s all about. PRAISE GOD!


Looking at scripture critically will only make you see all the flaws in there and we should never focus on the flaws. Just focus on the stuff that looks good. It’s like when you look at this world around you. Focus on the things like the snowflakes, fluffy bunnies and butterflies. Ignore the flesh-eating viruses, the poisonous and carnivorous beasts, the horrific mutations and the natural disasters. Any horrors in nature, ignore, so that you can just focus on what is beautiful and lovely and get to claim that all God’s works are perfect.


Likewise do the same when it comes to the bible. Ignore the atrocities, acts of genocide by God, and the horrible morals. Find excuses for it all (ie, apologetics). There is always something you can twist or turn to make it sound better. You can always accept that you will never understand it and neither will anyone else. You can say things like “God’s ways are not our ways” and forget about it. Or the classic, "The Bible says it, I believe it, that settles it”.  You can switch off your brain then! Overall, take the mindset that God is perfect and holy. Anything that contradicts that mindset can simply be cast aside without further consideration. HALLELUJAH!!


Be a sheep, my brothers and sisters. Because being a mindless moron is way better than being a thinker who rejects Jesus and we would never want to be in that boat, would we? It would be better for us to be completely wrong and deluded in Jesus than to risk facing the fiery flames of Hell for all eternity. PRAISE GOD!


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