
This is a spoof of the Chick tract of the same name, the original of which can be found here.

Side note: Bob Williams is clearly Jack Chick's idea of the perfect Christian (judgmental and arrogant). He's kind of like the Superman of Chick tracts who turns up every now and then and manages to scare some poor sap into becoming a Christian. I don't know why Jack drew him to look like a sexual deviant, but there you go.

Side note: This story is either made up or a dream because obviously someone on fire is not going to be able to talk coherently. Also they’re hardly going to be asking only for a drop of water to cool their tongue when the rest of their body is on fire. I mean GET REAL! Why would anyone believe this is a true story? Oh right… Jack Chick would.

Side note: Jesus actually believed that a man on fire could hold a conversation with another person across a great rift! Even more ridiculous, Jack Chick seems to be taking it seriously. 


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