God's promises NOT broken

This is a rebuttal to Recker's article

God's Promises Broken


In this article Recker points out what he sees are bible promises that have been broken. They do appear to be the case, but there are legitimate reasons why these promises don’t come to fruition. Let me tackle each of them with the holy spirit guiding me…


God promises miracles


Recker rightfully points out that many mundane things cannot be considered miracles. That luck is not considered miraculous. I would go one step further and point out that anything that could be put down to natural means, are also not necessarily miracles. After all, how do you tell whether it was supernatural if it is something that can happen naturally? (Like remission of cancer). There often appears to be no way of telling.


However… the reason we are not seeing great miracles today is due to the evil in this world. All the sin. Even Christians who claim to be Christians are not witnessing any real miracles because they are FALSE Christians! They do not follow the correct version of Christianity like we do here at Bishop O’Brian Ministries.


So are we here at Bishop O’Brian Ministries witnessing bonafide miracles? You bet we are! Why only yesterday I recovered my missing cell phone I’d been praying for the return of for weeks. God miraculously made it appear down the side of my couch. HALLELUUUUJAH!!!


Seek and you shall find


Yes, any time you seek Christ, you will find him, but if you go seeking in some church that doesn’t follow the true teachings of Jesus then you won’t find him. If you get involved with Bishop Brian Ministries you will surely find God. And if you donate money generously to the ministry, God will be sure to shower you with blessings, if not now in this life, then in the next. HALLELUUUUJAH!


Wisdom will be given


Once again, you must be following the correct version of Christianity if you wish to have wisdom. Wisdom can only be gained by being part of a true Christian denomination like the one here at Bishop O’Brian Ministries. Committing your life and money to our ministry is the wisest thing you can possibly do. But the problem is, it’s a Catch 22 situation. You first need to make that first small step of wisdom before you can truly gain wisdom.  Like when Solomon wisely asked God for wisdom.


All things will be made known when needed

I am sounding like a broken record here, but if you are part of a false Christian denomination, like all the main ones out there (Baptist, Pentecostal, Morman, Catholic, Anglican, etc etc), then the holy spirit is simply not going to guide you and tell you everything you need to know. Come to Bishop O’Brian’s Ministries and you will learn true Christianity and wisdom, so that you will have everything you need to know when it comes to living a Godly life. 


God will protect his followers

Really. If a Christian is not being protected from harm then he isn’t a true Christian. If a missionary goes over to an Islamic country and his family are raped, tortured and murdered, it’s because they were never true Christians to begin with. God protects those who are REAL Christians, like those of us in B O Ministries.


Nothing should be impossible for you

It really is quite simple. If you are not a true Christian you are not going to be able to do the impossible. Come to Bishop O’Brian’s Ministries, be part of us, accept our teachings and then you will be able to do greater things than even Jesus did!


Am I doing greater things than Jesus? Of course! I am reaching so many more people than Jesus ever did. Far more people are being saved due to my ministry than Jesus’s ministry. And just last week I performed an amazing miracle where I healed myself from 5 different diseases. HALLELUUUUUUJAH!!! Jesus never healed 5 diseases in one go!




Comments: 2
  • #2

    Bishop O'Brian (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 22:14)

    Mmm, if you really were a true Christian, God would be blessing your finances and you'd have thousands of dollars to donate to God's work. Please apply again once you have a 6 figure income. Thank you.

  • #1

    Harry Hackenbury (Sunday, 01 May 2022 18:37)

    I didn't think it could be that easy! I will now resign from East End Sunnyside Mission and devote all my time and wealth to B O Ministries.

    I'm not really wealthy, monetarily speaking -- just wealthy in the spirit of the Lord! Will that be enough to get me into B O Ministries? Please send me an application and a tract or three!

    Amen, Harry (and all my devotion)