The Perfect Fall of Man


This is a rebuttal to Recker's article

The Fall of Man



In this article, Recker describes the story of the “fall of man”, liking it to a fairy tale. It brings out the righteous anger of Jesus Christ in me!


The beginning alone, makes Jesus angry. Recker tries to liken the phrase “in the beginning” to “once upon a time” and he has often likened “Let there be light” to “Abracadabra”. Yes, these things pretty much mean the same thing, but the bible should never be exposed to this type of ridicule.  We must ensure that the bible is seen by everyone as something superior to a fable.  


As for the story of the talking snake, what’s the big deal? A god can cause a snake to talk if he so wants. A god can also classify it as livestock if he so wishes. God can also allow the devil to rampage through his garden as he wants the devil to have freewill.


As I said in my own rebuttal about the creation of Satan, this is a game to God. He needs entertainment and that is why we are here. To entertain him and worship him. It’s Satan’s job to try to screw that up.


As for the naivety of Eve, that is irrelevant. They have to learn somehow and God prefers to teach people the hard way, through suffering and hardships. He wants his children to suffer, so that they can better appreciate the good things in life. Satan was simply doing what God would have expected him to do.


We see similar game playing in the book of Job where Satan has God’s permission to run rampant and destroy Job’s life. It’s a theme we see many times throughout the bible and in the world today. God allowing Satan to do his worst while standing by and watching it happen. Just as a chess player might watch his opponent destroy all his pieces on the chess board. The player can’t intervene and stop it as it’s against the rules. Likewise, God can’t break his own rules that he set for his game with himself and the devil. That would be cheating and God is not a cheat.


Jesus doesn’t appreciate Recker’s implication that God is a master manipulator either, tricking Adam and Even. Pretending he hasn’t seen any of the shenanigans that went down. This is all part of the rules that God must play in this game against Satan. He can’t intervene when it’s Satan’s move.


And let’s make it quite clear, being nude is A SIN! Even in the bush with nobody else around, one should be ashamed for being naked. Taking a bath or shower should be the only time you spend time naked and even then it should be done quickly. Adam and Eve were lucky that God didn’t smite them dead right then!


One of the points Recker makes is that God knows all that is going to happen, so he knew Adam and Eve were going to screw up, but he put them to the test anyway. But that’s all part of the lesson being taught. Suffering, is what God wants for his children. So that they can learn to call on him and worship him.


Remember, this is a god who is going to ultimately force the majority of everyone who ever lived to suffer in Hell for all eternity. A little suffering on Earth is nothing compared to what’s coming for those who reject him or who are in the wrong denomination of Christianity. HALLELUUUUUJAH!!


Now, finally Recker asked how would we react to Adam when we see him in Heaven. Well most of you will never get to meet him as you are either heathens or are following false versions of Christianity, but for me I will be there and I will get to meet him. I will not be angry with him. Of course I won’t be. But then I’m not God. I don’t have the delicate ego that God has.


But make no bones about it. God was fully justified in “going psycho”. There is no problem with him cursing all snakekind because they’re horrible slimey creatures anyway and deserve to suffer just like every animal does because they are all full of sin.   


A Just-so story? Maybe, but if it’s in the bible then it has to be true. Halleluuuujah! 



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