Why God created Satan

This is a rebuttal to Recker's article

Are you a moral person? 


In his blasphemous article, Recker points out that anyone who would create an evil being like Satan is more evil than Satan himself.


God has a huge intellect. He requires a lot to keep himself entertained.


As a human, a game of chess can keep one entertained, however for God it wouldn’t be enough. He needs more than a game of chess. He would need to play say a 1000 games of chess at the same time to keep himself entertained for 5 minutes. So what’s better than a 1000 games of chess?


How about a whole planet of humans all with a mind of their own?


The object of the game is to have as many humans as possible become good Christians and keep them from spending all eternity in Hell. And there has to be a cost if they don’t, otherwise what’s the point in playing the game? So therefore all humans that don’t become good Christians end up burning in hell for all eternity. That creates the motivation for God to win the so-called Chess game.


And just like with a game of chess there are some pieces who God deems better and more important than other pieces. Half the people in this world are simply pawns... collateral damage. God doesn't see us all as equal. Some he is going to value more than others. His kings, queens and rooks for instance. Oh and BISHOPS in some cases. The good ones like yours truly. Some pieces/people will end up being sacrificed and end up in Hell. That's fine by God. For most humans it will be up to them to queen themselves and not remain pawns forever. 


Now, one may get some enjoyment playing chess by oneself, but it’s not going to keep you entertained for long. You need an opponent. And it can’t be an easy opponent, otherwise you’ll get bored pretty quickly.


So who can possibly give God a challenge in his game of human chess? Nobody. So he has to create someone that can. Someone that will be ruthless and who wants to see all the humans burn for all eternity in hell.


So that, my brothers, sisters and heathens, is why God created Satan. To create a worthy opponent! For his entertainment! This world is a big gigantic chess game and many of us are pawns in this game. The stakes are very high and we have to do our best to ensure God wins and Satan loses.





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